
level 5

  • By Mohamed Ahmed
This Course Includes
  • Duration: 16 hours
  • Course platform via Zoom app
  • Tasks through Classroom
  • Certificate
  • Level 5 in an English course
     represents a significantly advanced stage. At this point, learners possess advanced language skills and can communicate confidently and effectively across a wide range of contexts. Vocabulary is expanded to include specialized and advanced terms in various fields. There is a focus on using grammar rules accurately and flexibly, enabling learners to express themselves in diverse and contextually appropriate ways. Listening and speaking skills are developed to encompass understanding advanced conversations and lectures, as well as participating in more complex and detailed discussions. Reading and comprehension skills become more sophisticated, with an emphasis on academic and professional texts and deep understanding of their content. Writing skills are honed to include crafting research papers and advanced reports in a scholarly and persuasive manner. The goal of Level 5 is to develop learners into proficient users of the English language, equipped to communicate confidently and effectively in academic, professional, and social environments.

    Mohamed Ahmed
    English Instructor

    Aiming to make the language an enjoyable content by using active and effective methods, teaching English in all possible ways, and reaching the student’s needs, not only explaining a specific curriculum, but also engaging students in the lecture and encouraging them to practice the language in their daily lives.


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